The Importance of DMOZ

Is it Something You Should Be Concerned With?

Most webmasters that are at all seasoned in the business have at least heard of DMOZ, or read about it somewhere on the web. DMOZ stands for Directory Mozilla, but has been officially renamed to the Open Directory Project.

In essence, DMOZ is a listing of all of the websites on the internet that have been submitted. They have been meticulously categorized and checked for authenticity before being placed in the directory.

Why is DMOZ Important?

There are numerous reasons why DMOZ is important, but the first and foremost is that it is categorized and rated by human editors—yes, real people. That is why the information and the various sites that are listed in the directory are held to such high authority—even Google can’t boast that it goes through each website personally, can it?

In addition to the fact that the listings in DMOZ are combed through by living, breathing editors the directory is also important because it is used by some of the most influential entities on the World Wide Web, including Google and other search engines. Google and other such sites use the contents of DMOZ to populate their own directories, and the same for other directories around the web. That is why webmasters tend to see a slow increase in the number of authoritative links back to their site over time. DMOZ has a high Page Rank with Google. Anybody who knows anything about Page Rank knows that the higher a site’s Page Rank, the more Google values their link. This means that this can give a boost to your search engine rankings as well.

How to Get Into the DMOZ Directory Project

Okay, enough about why DMOZ is so important. It can’t do anyone’s website any good if it has not been included in the Open Directory Project. Most webmasters have to go in and manually add their website to the Directory. Do a bit of keyword research before registering in order to easily maximize your entry, but put an emphasis on adding your site as soon as possible, too.

It can take several weeks for your entry to be officially added after you have submitted it to the directory. At some points of the year, it can take much longer than others, but this is only because the directory is operated by human editors who have to visit your site and verify its validity and contents before approving it.

A Few DMOZ Tips

Getting listed in DMOZ correctly is important. Read on for a few tips to help you get listed in the Open Directory Project and start getting a few quality backlinks under your belt.

Make sure that you take the time to make sure that you are submitting your site to the right category. Many sites may fall under one category but you can only submit your site to one, so pick the most relevant one or the category that is bound to see the most searches.

One tip for submitting to the right category is to visit other sites in that category. This way, you can make sure that the sites that are in that category fall along the same lines as yours. If not, you might want to consider another category.

Don’t resubmit. If you did it correctly, there should not be any need for you to submit your site again. Remember that actual people run this thing, so it may take a while to get listed. If two to three months go by and you have not yet heard anything, consider resubmitting at that point. Remember that you are at the end of the waiting list each time you resubmit, so the waiting game starts all over again.

Create a description according to DMOZ guidelines. The description should be a concise summary of the content or subject of the site that you are submitting. One or two lines are usually long enough. Be sure to include the subject of the site and a brief gist of what the contents of the site are. The DMOZ website gives specific information about the format and requirements for descriptions.

Verify your URL. What a waste of time it would be to wait for your listing to be reviewed, just for your URL to not work! Be sure to check and double check the URL to be sure that it works and that you typed everything correctly. Remove the extra stuff, like “index.html” off the end of the URL, as well.

DMOZ is important, there is no doubt about it. If you want success and backlinks for your site, listing it with DMOZ is a great place to start. The rest should begin to fall into place. Just be sure to do it timely, do it correctly, and be patient

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