What does the "Language" drop-down control?

The Language dropdown controls the language of the button itself.

Available languages
Arabic - ar
Bulgarian - bg
Catalan - ca
Chinese (Simplified) zh-CN
Chinese (Traditional) zh-TW
Croatian - hr
Czech - cs
Danish - da
Dutch - nl
English (UK) en-GB
English (US) en-US
Estonian - et
Filipino - fil
Finnish - fi
French - fr
German - de
Greek - el
Hebrew - iw
Hindi - hi
Hungarian - hu
Indonesian - id
Italian - it
Japanese - ja
Korean - ko
Latvian - lv
Lithuanian - lt
Malay - ms
Norwegian - no
Persian - fa
Polish - pl
Portuguese (Brazil) pt-BR
Portuguese (Portugal) pt-PT
Romanian - ro
Russian - ru
Serbian - sr
Slovak - sk
Slovenian - sl
Spanish - es
Spanish (Latin America) es-419
Swedish - sv
Thai - th
Turkish - tr
Ukrainian - uk
Vietnamese - vi

Article Details

Article ID:
Date added:
07-13-2011 21:13:59
Rating (Votes):

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